The idea to design Mr. Taper® born from the need to fill a gap in the use of self-adhesive tape.
The tools currently available to the user are: the dispenser (close boxes) cutter (open boxes) or the tape machines.
All these classical instruments now entered into daily use of self-adhesive tape, however, fail to meet the needs of customers who cannot use such kind of classical tools for practical reasons or that do not have them with for reasons of randomness.
In these cases, it happens so that you use archaic systems like tearing / cutting with teeth, keys, scissors or other. Or who look for “easy tear” adhesive tapes, which are, however, more expensive than traditional ones.
Our long experience in the packaging (especially in the self-adhesive tape) has led us to develop this new product.
Mr Taper®: a brilliant idea, handling, safety and speed of operations.